Hello everybody & welcome to the “Genealogy Corner”! If you’re interested in researching your family genealogy but not sure how to get started, join us weekly and start your journey. We will start with the basics. The first two steps are: DECIDE, what you want to discover, always start with yourself and work backwards and EXPLORE, what’s close at hand, from photos to family interviews. Go to the Oral Histories link below for suggestions on conducting family interviews.

Some information on the person you want to RESEARCH, which is the next step. One free site to use is www.familysearch.org. I will be sharing more free sites later. Searching for your relative on a census can be a good way to start. The 1940 census is the most current federal census available for public access.
According to the “72-Year Rule,” the National Archives releases census records to the general public 72 years after Census Day. The 1950 census records will be released in April 2022. To make sure you’ve found your ancestor look at more than just their name, and remember the spelling of names can change through generations for various reasons. Have fun!

Hello Everybody! I hope you’re making progress with your searching. To keep things organized it’s good to put the names of your relatives in a pedigree chart and a family group sheet. These, along with many other downloadable forms are available for free. Use the link below to access them. You can also use online websites to share your information with others. Don’t forget that you can come to the library to print forms or pick them up at the information desk. Don’t hesitate to call Jerri if you have questions or need assistance!
Link for genealogy forms:

Genealogy research is never ending! You’re always learning about new people, interesting places which inevitably brings up more questions to research. Enjoy the process and remember you can always call Jerri if you have questions or need help. See you next Monday!

Check out this weeks Halloween themed Genealogy Corner! Find out how you can find ancestors graves online.