Weekly Challenges Week 3

1. READING– Read a book with a giant in it, or read outside under a tree.

2. IMAGINATION– Pretend your backyard has turned into a jungle, go on a safari, what bugs, animals, birds do you see? What kind of plants are growing? Make a tent, have a picnic, make a video of your hunt with family members being animals.

3. CREATIVITYMake a catapult to protect you from the giants. See how far you can toss your marshmallow. Can they hit the target to get a bullseye?

4. EXPERIMENTS– Grow your own bean stalk 

5. COMMUNITY– Donate a can of food to the local food bank: Drop off at the library or, do a random act of kindness. Do a chore for a family member or neighbor without letting them know you are doing it.

 Share your activities with us